Sea Breeze - one of the first things I was ever told when all this kicked off was that facemask are contrary to what clinicians are taught. If you are a surgeon the facemask stop mucus from cough or sneeze going into open wound of patient. But a facemask soon becomes a warm damp environment. Viruses love warm damp environments. Also lungs are excretory organs and what you breath out should go away from your face not remain slapped on it like a nappy. The whole idea is pants.
WTWizard - As I expect you know Invermectin works too. But if I had it (Covid) - then from my experience I say, stay in bed, stay warm and eat well. You will need someone to care for you but I recommend staying out of hospital, they are dangerous places, I have heard that many people die there.
Actually in all seriousness a while back (before lockdowns etc) a relative with reasonable health went to hospital for a check up. Nothing really wrong with him but he caught a nasty bug in hospital (dunno what maybe Norovirus) and died within a couple of days. Everyone was deeply shocked. But says a lot about how safe it is being in some hospitals.